ISSN: 2469-9837
ఎవాంజెలియా మైఖైల్ మైఖైలిడౌ
Background: The incidence of pain in people with mental impairment is perhaps greater than within the general population, because there’s greater accompanying morbidity; on the opposite hand invasive techniques like surgeries are often needed. From the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP), behavioural observation is proposed as a tool for assessing pain in people with communication problems. Behavioral indicators for pain indicate a group of observed verbal or non-verbal behaviors that would be considered as an expression or reaction to the subjective feeling of pain experienced by an individual with communication deficits. The problem of the assessment of pain in these individuals remains serious and difficult because the pain from its definition is subjective and in these individuals the essential tool of evaluation is lacking the communication.The tagert of identifying and treating pain in people with mental impairment may be a challenge for today’s community of algologists for further research and evidence of reliable diagnostic and treatment tools