ISSN: 2161-0398
డియోనిసియోస్ పనాగియోతరస్, డిమిట్రియోస్ నికోలోపౌలోస్, ఎర్మియోని పెట్రాకి, సోఫియా కొట్టౌ, డియోనిసియోస్ కౌలౌగ్లియోటిస్, పనయియోటిస్ యన్నకోపౌలోస్ మరియు సోక్రటీస్ కప్లానిస్
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are toxic chemicals harmful for the environmental sustainability and human health. Due to the several types of VOCs and the diversity in their physico-chemical properties, it is difficult to develop standard methods for sampling and analysis. The majority of methods depend on the compounds of interest and the required duration of sampling. Each method is associated with a certain value of specificity and sensitivity. To date, however, no specific method qualifies as being the most accurate. This review reports the most common methods employed in determination of VOCs, based on the international literature.